Bamboo has huge potential and has utilization value

Today, when the world’s forest area is declining sharply, the global bamboo forest area is constantly expanding, increasing at a rate of 3% every year, which means that bamboo forests are playing an increasingly important role.
Compared with tree felling, the development and utilization of bamboo forest will not damage the ecology. A bamboo forest will grow new bamboos every year, and with proper maintenance, it can be operated for decades or even hundreds of years. Some bamboo forests in my country have grown for thousands of years and are still being developed and utilized.
Bamboo also has great potential for everyday applications. Bamboo branches, leaves, roots, stems, and bamboo shoots can all be processed and utilized. According to statistics, bamboo has more than 10,000 uses in terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation.
Today, bamboo is known as “plant reinforcement”. After technical processing, bamboo products have been able to replace wood and other high-energy-consuming raw materials in many fields. Generally speaking, our application of bamboo is not extensive enough. In terms of industrial development, the market for bamboo products is not fully developed, and there is still more room for bamboo materials to replace wood, cement, steel, and plastic.

Post time: Dec-26-2022