Bamboo Replaces Plastic

In June 2022, the Chinese government announced that it will jointly launch the “Replace Plastic with Bamboo” global development initiative with the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization to reduce plastic pollution by developing innovative bamboo products instead of plastic products, and promote solutions to environmental and climate issues.

So, what is the significance of “substituting bamboo for plastic”?

First of all, bamboo is renewable, its growth cycle is short, and it can be matured in 3-5 years. According to the data, the output of bamboo forest in my country will reach 4.10 billion in 2021, and 4.42 billion in 2022. Plastic is a kind of An artificial material extracted from crude oil, and oil resources are limited.

Secondly, bamboo can carry out photosynthesis, release oxygen after inhaling carbon dioxide, and purify the air; plastics are not beneficial to the environment. In addition, the main treatment methods for waste plastics in the world are landfill, incineration, a small amount of recycled granulation and pyrolysis , landfilling plastic waste will pollute groundwater to a certain extent, and incineration will also pollute the environment. Of the 9 billion tons of plastic products that are actually used for recycling, only about 2 billion tons are used.

Furthermore, bamboo comes from nature and can be degraded quickly under natural conditions without causing secondary pollution. According to research and analysis, the longest degradation time of bamboo is only about 2-3 years; while plastic products are landfilled. Degradation typically takes decades to hundreds of years.

As of 2022, more than 140 countries have clearly formulated or issued relevant plastic ban and plastic restriction policies. In addition, many international conventions and international organizations are also taking actions to support the international community to reduce and eliminate plastic products, encourage the development of alternatives, and adjust industrial and trade policies to reduce plastic pollution.

To sum up, “replacing plastic with bamboo” provides a nature-based sustainable development solution to global challenges such as climate change, plastic pollution, and green development, and also contributes significantly to the sustainable development of the world. contribute.

Post time: Feb-22-2023